Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Surgical Extractions

Sometimes trauma, gum disease, cracked or broken teeth, and tooth decay can be too significant, and despite our best efforts to save the tooth, extractions may be the best option. Here at Dental Care at Arcadia Farms, we will make the process as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Oral health care providers recommend removing wisdom teeth before they become a more difficult and painful problem -- and to avoid a more complicated surgery. Whether your wisdom teeth have emerged or not, we offer a variety of sedation types to meet any need and ensure that your experience is comfortable and pain-free.

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Bone Grafting

Damage to the jawbone can occur in areas where there are missing teeth. The jawbone can deteriorate and change the facial structure and make it unsuitable for a dental implant. Luckily, today’s technology can repair the inadequate bone in preparation for dental implants through bone grafting, restoring functionality and esthetic appearance.

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Orofacial Pain

Orofacial pain is caused by a number of clinical problems, including issues with the chewing muscles and joints. Orofacial pain can include migraines, headaches, muscle spasms, tooth pain and more. Your Dental Care at Arcadia Farms dentist can use skills learned from the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) to treat orofacial pain with several treatment options.

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Local Anesthesia

Depending on the dental procedure, your dentist may determine that you only need a relatively small area to be numbed during surgery so that your visit is comfortable and pain-free. There are two kinds of numbing injections

When performing oral procedures that require numbing, dentists employ two kinds of local anesthesia, block injections, which numbs an entire region of your mouth, such as one side of your lower jaw, and infiltration injections, which numb a smaller area.

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